Thank you for your interest in supporting the ministry of the Georgia Churches of God of Prophecy through online giving. We believe that giving is an act of worship and is one way to show gratitude to our God who provides us with everything. (1 Tim 6:7). 

Your offerings support many ministries here at the State Office, as well as other local, national, and international outreaches and missions.  We are faithfully committed to good stewardship and integrity in the management of the resources God has provided us.

With online giving you can donate to the following ministries:

Big John Scholarship Fund offers partial scholarships to our summer camps as funds are available.
Camp Echeconnee Fund is used for renovations to and upkeep of the campground.
General Operating Fund makes possible the day-to-day ministries and services of the State Office.
Home Missions assists with new field work and projects throughout the state.
Love My Camp Echeconnee provides funds for special projects to enhance the campground
Retired Minister’s Fund supplements a monthly love offering to our retired ministry.
Special Funds allows you to designate a donation to a specific ministry or project of your choice.   

Once again, we thank you for the financial support.  We also request that you cover us with your prayers as we minister to the state of Georgia.