Camp Echeconnee in Lizella, GA is a highlight in the lives of many campers from throughout GA.  It's a time to see old friends, to make new ones, to unhook from technology, to relax, and to spend time with God.  It is our goal to make this the best summer of your child's life! 
This document provides an overview of Camp Echeconnee’s camper guidelines and code of conduct.  By signing the “Certification & Understanding Statement” located on the camper’s application, you agree to abide by these policies of Camp Echeconnee.     
DISCRIMINATION:  No one shall be denied the benefits of the camping program on the grounds of gender, race, color, religion, or national origin.
DRESS CODE:  While fashions and trends change constantly, the dress of our campers and staff should be modest and becoming of Christians.  We reserve the right to ask any person to change their clothing if it is deemed inappropriate or immodest by the camp staff.
  • Skirts and shorts should be at least fingertip length when standing.
  • No bare mid-drif or inappropriate tank tops are allowed.
  • Sexual, occult, profane, or substance abuse advertisement on clothing will not be allowed.
  • No public nudity.
HEALTH:  All campers with contagious diseases, including lice, are not permitted to attend camp.  Camp Echeconnee has a "zero nit" lice policy.
INSURANCE:  In case of accidents the camper’s personal insurance is considered the primary while the camp insurance is considered secondary insurance.  Campers must file with their insurance company first, and the camp insurance will pay what the primary insurance company will not pay.
LEAVING CAMPUS/CHECKOUT:  Upon arrival all cars must be parked at the chapel due to insurance guidelines.  Campers may NOT leave campus for any reason including work without prior notification from the parent to the camp director.  The director will notify the camp secretary who will sign the camper in/out and document the reason for leaving.     
LOSS OR THEFT:  Any personal items, including electronic or digital equipment, are the sole responsibility of the individual bringing it. The camp or staff is not responsible for any stolen or damaged items. Some electronics may be prohibited by the camp.
PUBLICITY:  All videos/pictures taken during camp by staff may be used for promotion in advertisements (papers, internet, brochures, etc.) for our camps and are the sole property of our church camp.
UNPLUG:  We encourage our campers to "unplug" and take a vacation from cell phones, video games, computers, TV, personal listening devices, social networks and any other gadgets by not bringing them to camp.
VISITORS:  Safety is one of our primary concerns, and for this reason, while camp is in session, visitors are prohibited.
CAMPER CODE OF CONDUCT & DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES:  All campers must agree to the following prohibitions and guidelines with the understanding that violations may result in the dismissal from the camp and the reporting of the violation as required by state and federal laws.
  • Tobacco.  Camp Echeconee is a smoke & tobacco free campus.  As a result the use of any tobacco products including vapors and e-cigarettes is not allowed.  
  • Weapons.  Camp Echeconnee is a weapon free campus.  Possession of firearms, knives, or any item specifically designed to cause physical harm is strictly prohibited.
  • Drugs & Alcohol.  Camp Echeconnee is a drug and alcohol free campus.  Possession of and/or usage of drugs or alcohol will result in the immediate dismissal of the camper.  Also, as a mandated reporter, Camp Echeconnee will follow the state and federal laws governing the reporting of the violation.  
  • Prescribed Medication:  During registration all prescribed and over the counter drugs must be given to the camp nurse who will administer the medication during the week.  The medication must be in the original container and must show the prescribed dosage.  Due to insurance and health guidelines we can’t administer medication presented with handwritten instructions and in zip-lock bags.
  • Bullying, fighting, ridiculing or belittling other campers will not be tolerated.
  • Camp Echeconnee and its administration and staff reserve the right to search campers and their belongings.  
  • The staff:  Be courteous, polite, and supportive of your counselor and teachers.  
  • The other campers and their property:  Remember to respect their space. 
  • The camp property:  Please help us take care of our campground by picking up your litter and keeping your cabin clean.  Malicious damage to the property, including graffiti, will not be tolerated and will result in the camper being charged for damages.  Pranks are not allowed.
Discipline problems are to be reported to and handled by the Dean of Students and Camp Director.  Campers will not be deprived of food, isolated, or subjected to corporal punishment, psychological mistreatment or abusive physical exercise as means of discipline. 
In case of repetitive or serious violation of camp policy, we reserve the right to dismiss any camper, without refund, for reasons of safety or inappropriate behavior.  If a camper is dismissed from camp, the parent or guardian will be contacted immediately to pick up the camper.